Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How-To write AND keep your New Year's resolutions!

It's that time of year again and I love it because it means there's a whole year of new-ness ahead. Actually, I don't even know if that make sense ;). Anyway, I have a pretty good ritual of writing my new year's resolutions for the next year around this time. Nothing unique about that right? WRONG!!!

I'm one of the few people I know that KEEP my resolutions, yes...I actually check in with them throughout the year. I keep a copy of them in my planner or phone or wherever and I check in mid-year to see where I stand. Yes, that may be obnoxious to you...but when it comes the end of the year to write new ones; I'm excited about it because its more like a prediction of what i'm going to accomplish over the next year.

There are definitely some key tricks to writing good resolutions, so I thought I would share with you all; so that you can make 2010 your BEST year yet. Especially after the depressing 2009 we just went through.

1. Figure out what you want to accomplish! -
Ok, this may be self-explanatory but it has to be said. Take some time for yourself one day, sit down and really think about where you would like to be by the end of 2010. Don't think about where you are today - that will just throw wrenches in your plan.

2. Be realistic -
It may sound good to say you're gonna lose 50 pounds next year, but are you really going to do that? Make sure that your resolutions are something that you can stick with and really give effort to. If you think 20 is the realistic number then put down 20, you know your limits. If your goal is too ridiculous in any area, you'll be more likely to forget it or give up.

3. Give yourself measurable goals - Be sure that you are setting some expectation for yourself. Saying to yourself "I'm going to save money next year" doesn't really say much at all. Remember, these are for yourself for the most part. Put a number goal on things like; I'm going to save $1200 in 2010 or I'm going to lose 10 pounds by march. Putting dates and number give your nearer and farther goals and gives you some motivation to work towards things. You don't have to make it ridiculous, its not a competition. Resolutions are just things you feel will make you or your life better. (I promised myself I would play in 10 tennis tournaments next year!)

4. Tell people about it. - Does a tree make a sound when it falls in the woods if no one hears it? Tell someone about your goals/plans, this is probably someone close to you or maybe even a friend that you're writing resolutions with. That way, someone is a witness and possibly may ask you how your getting along at certain points. If you have someone to share it with, it's easier to keep your resolutions throughout the year.

5. Keep them close -
Have your resolutions handy. I generally have mine on a half sheet of paper in my planner. Sometimes when i'm flipping through to check something else I run across and re-read them. This is a great reminder of what you have to accomplish and keeps them in your head. It's not surprising that you won't have them memorized. Another good place is your wallet.

6. Check-in mid year! -
Right before summer hits, check in with yourself. If you check-in mid year and you kind of put some of the items by the way side, you still have about 6 months to accomplish some of your goals. Most of our goals won't take a whole year to get to, but we give ourselves that much because we've gotta live life. This is a great time to check things off your list (my favorite) so you can see what you have left and how much progress you have made!

7. Celebrate yourself -
There's never a bad time to celebrate. I generally see new year's as a time of celebrating the past year and really seeing all that I have accomplished. But along the way, have small celebrations when you accomplish your goals.

8. Keep it short!
- Last but not least. Having 100 resolutions for the year is a little out of range. Create as many as you think is important to really get to that year. I generally have about 10 main goals for the year, other stuff comes up; both those 10 I make sure to keep top of mind.

Well, I hope that you get a chance to plan for 2010 and I wish every one a very happy New Year! Good luck and god speed....2010 Here I come!

Monday, December 21, 2009

What's on the horizon? Jini's movie picks!

I've always thought that being a movie critic would be fun, but analyzing a film with so many different personalities in the world is almost impossible. I'd like to think that I'm an objective source of information most of the time, but who knows. Anyway, I have seen some great snippets of movies that have recently been released and are scheduled to come out soon, I thought I'd share some of the films that have intrigued my interest and this is a way of me being able to track back to what I wanted to make sure to catch!

Across The Hall
- Given the recent tragedy that has struck this fabulous Hollywood Starlet, I never even really heard about this movie until I saw an interview, mentioning that it was the last film that she made. Here's a trailer.

- I don't even remember how I came across this movie,but it looks thrilling. Its an independent film and Eva Green was one of my favorite Bond Girls. Check out the trailer and you won't be able to wait to catch the flick.

Leap Year
- Cute chick flick with Amy Adams and Matthew Goode (What a hottie!). I've come to appreciate a lot of the films that Amy Adams has been in. Looks like a cute Romantic Comedy.

Sherlock Holmes
- What can I say that everyone else already doesn't know. This looks like a kick-ass movie! I'm only sad that I don't get to see it on Christmas day! YAY I can't wait for Sherlock Holmes; for some reason Robert Downey Jr. just seems perfect for the part. Not to mention I love Rachel McAdams and Jude Law.

The Blind Side
- I've always been partial to feel-good stories about team sports. Although, this is more of a personal victory story; I feel that it falls into that same category. Eager to catch this, but I think I'm waiting until DVD.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

An LA Find: 13 Pisces Moon!

Ok, so it would be a really exciting find if I didn't actually know this person, but if it makes it any better I only know him through someone else AND I was shocked when I found out, because these T-shirts are sooo awesome. Ever since I saw one I have always been a fan and didn't realize the array of Tee's that were designed, until I got one for my B-day that I absolutely adore, Erykah Badu.

Now if you're not a Badu fan it's ok (I may think you're nutz, but that's besides the point), he make shirts of all types and even does special order hand painted t-shirts based on what you want. My personal favorite off of the site is the Michael Jackson Billie Jean shirt. Here are a couple of others that my beau owns that what initially attracted me to them:

Kevin Garnett, Boston Celtics

Our Fearless Leader, President Barack Obama

If you are still looking for Christmas presents and are not sure what to get, these T-shirts are very unique and you're supporting local designers in LA. I'm not sure if he ships but you can check out the website, for more details and some pretty good shirt shopping music.

Mention this blog and get 20% off.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

You would think moving is my favorite thing to do! is not. My favorite thing to do is work. Sick huh? Anyway, yes I am moving again and my apartment looks awful right now. As a matter a fact, I took a quick photo so that you can see the disaster that is the apartment.
The more I think about it and look around, the more sad I am to leave PE Lofts here in Downtown LA. I mean it is pretty cool, but I have to flow with my situation and move a bit closer to the OC. The good thing is that I'm moving back to Long Beach, maybe a mile from where I used to live. I went to go give my deposit the other day and driving down those old streets surprisingly made me feel like I was home. Never did I think that I would be at 'home' in Long Beach but is has become a safe place for me. I have already lived at 'the beach' for about 4 years, so it is an easy transition. We'll see how the boy takes it though.

The new place is fabulous. A 2 bed 2 1/2 bath townhome. I will finally have enough real space to make me feel comfortable and the upstairs/downstairs element will give the homey feeling. Oh yea and I can't forget my very first fireplace. Woo! Anyway, Sunday will suck, but I think this is the beginning of a beautiful living situation. Excited! Don't try and be social with me until next Thursday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

25/50 - 25 Things to do in 50 days

I was inspired by a post that I read this morning called 101 things to do in 1001 days. I need shorter term goals, so I shortened my list and my time span to see if I can also accomplish what The Little Goat had set out to do. I'm guessing the main goal is to really get things done and stick with them. Everyone knows when you publicly announce something, it's more likely to get done.

So as per style of The Little Goat;
the mission if I choose to accept it: Complete 25 goals in the span of 50 days.

Method: By any means necessary. Tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Celebratory finish:
Thursday, December 10, 2009 And so the list begins:

1) Start this list
2) No soda (outside of soda water)
3) Play 1 tennis tournament

4) Run 10 miles/week (including at least one 5K)

5) Lose 10 pounds (starting weight: to be updated soon)
6) Post my first video on Netropolis

7) Blog 2 times/week (14 posts)
8) Straighten out my taxes

9) Go wine tasting
10) Play tennis 3 times a week (at least) - total of 21 times

11) Hit the Santa Monica stairs 1/week (at least) - total of 7 times

12) Read 3 books

13) Learn to ride the scooter

14) Get a king-sized bed

15) Floss everyday

16) Cook 1 new recipe/week

17) Watch 1 foreign or independent film/week (7 total)

18) Golf or hit 1/week (7 times)

19) Hit serves 4 mornings/week (28 times)

20) Get a Carrom board

21) Create an acrylic painting

22) Enter all receipts into an excel spreadsheet

23) Only eat out 1 time/week (7 times)

24) Go to the gym 5 times/week (35 times)

25) Write a new 25 things list

Wish me luck, looks like I'll need it! Look for updates too, each time I accomplish things I will gray them out as I go, although many of them will only be completed on the last day of this target list.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

U never know what to expect @Blogworld -Day 2

Starting Day 2 was not fun. $28.00 to get to the convention center was really not the way to get my day going. Anyway, I started out with some lovely conversation from the CTO of Webgrrls, a very cool professional network for women in technology. Hopefully, I will be helping the LA Chapter grow soon.

Anyway, I walked the exhibit floor for a bit to get a feeling of what is going on there. By far the two most interesting places to be on the exhibit floor was the Charity Smackdown and the Fatburger truck, where they were doing a 11/2 pound burger contest. I contemplated participating, but I was too late to register. Don't worry I have a second chance today, but who knows.

Apparently, you never know what's going to happen at Blogworld. I met lots of new people that I have had great conversations with, potential clients, potential vendors and so much more.

My new friend Blair Williams (@supercleanse)

The opening day part was at JET nightclub at the Mirage, which is the first time I have been there. It was a nice place, free beer, $6 sodas, roasted veggies and mozzarella balls, yum! Upon entry I met Blair Williams at the app bar. It was one of the few highlights of my day. After exchanging conversation about what we do, banter on life an other miscellaneous intro conversation, Blair pulled out some tickets. Who doesn't love tickets?

The Blue Man Group

What were these tickets to you ask? I'm glad you did, it was the BLUE MAN GROUP. I immediately said yes to take one of his last two tix, because I've been dying to see the show for years. Quickly I had plans for the night other than wandering around from one Blogworld party to the next, ensuring an inevitable headache. Instead, I'm on my way to The Blue Man group with 10 new friends from Blogworld. The great part was most of us didn't know each other. We head over to the 10' o'clock show and I must say that the show did not disappoint. The music in the show was amazing, there were funny bits, stuff that made you think and audience participation all wrapped up in a really unique presentation. The Blue Men were great, but what I really enjoyed was the band that reminded me of those Cobra Kai guys in Karate Kid in the skeleton costumes.

Skeleton guys (aka the band) Skeleton guy from Karate Kid

It was a great show and I even got to pretend like I knew what I was doing on those pipes that they play. Check out the pix.

Me on the drums Blair on the drums

One blue man

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting social at BlogWorld - Day 1

First thing is first...WHY did I forget the camera? Was it because I left my place this morning at 4:30 a.m. to catch the first flight out to Vegas? Maybe so....Maybe that's also why I forgot to stock up on! That's ok, I should have enough to last me tomorrow night's Blogworld party.

If you don't know what that is, it's a party where a whole bunch of computer nerds that love to write and be heard go and consume a bunch of free alcohol at really cool places in Vegas (well...this year anyway). If you can't tell, I'm looking forward to it.

Now...back to our regularly scheduled programming...The Social Media Business Summit (Day 1)

Getting at the Las Vegas Convention Center at 7:30 a.m. is not my idea of fun and there was really not much fun involved, but the day was more eventful than I expected.

I started my day at the Keynote (which was awfully early for a conference). The first 5 minutes was full of apologies and thank you's for making it out so early on the day before the expo. The rest of it was really the speaker's recount of how she got started in social media and how it opened doors for her.

I really feel like social media should be able to do that for anyone who puts time and effort into it like most relationships. Something that started out as an annoying fad, has now been translated to an essential business and communication tool.

What I realized yesterday is that we are at a pinnacle of technology that may never be seen before. This generation is the one that was able to see the turning point of simple technology into advanced technologies. Our children will never have to look up anything in books if we don't make them. That said, I think that traditional learning is still very important.

Make time to learn and use new technologies but introduce your kids to the essential tools of learning (like how to write in cursive for example), how to look things up in the library, playing an instrument (like the piano or violin), reading novels, writing letters. Now that technology has 'simplified' everything, we have become simple and forgotten about the sophisticated and romantic cultural traits of years past.

I guess that's another topic. Recap for Day 1's poignant new media sessions......

Things I could care less for:
Disorganized badge distribution this morning
Me hauling around my suitcase all day
Not enough power outlets
Getting yelled at for networking at the luncheon (bad planning on their part)
The guy who was snoring in the back of the Internet Marketing panel

Major +'s:
Informative panels
Great discussions
Knowledgeable speakers
Super friendly social media people that like to network and learn

Follow me on Twitter to hear what's going on at the show @Ronjini

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My week with, that is!

My adventures with Bikram yoga started very unexpectedly, I was at Ralph's. Lately, I try to keep an open mind to any and everything around me. Whenever I am somewhere with a message board, I have a tendency to check it out. I'm talking restaurants, coffee shops, the cleaners, grocery stores, anywhere really! So I was at Ralph's downtown and saw this message board near the elevator. Usually there isn't anything interesting there but alas I saw a flyer for 'hot yoga' (better known as Bikram Yoga).

So they have this deal going on at the Downtown location that is $20 for unilimited hot yoga for a week. That's a pretty incredible deal given that I think just one class is pretty pricey. I'm not that into yoga, but I thought since this is a great deal, maybe I should try it out. I've always been pretty curious about the hot yoga, stemming from when I saw it up in SF a while back.

This was my chance to have my own personal hot yoga experience. So I woke up in the wee hours of the morning for the 6 am class. I get there a little early as the lady asks me too, since this is my first time and to my surprise find out the class is 90 mins long. WOW, I feel like i'm getting more of a deal now. I get in the class and damn it's really warm in there. Not enough for you to say hell no and get out of the class, but just enough where you're a bit uncomfortable.

We start the class and for the simple moves that are happening the whole thing becomes unbelievably hard. I tried to focus on my breathing and not pay attention to the heat but its not the easiest thing to do. I realize that my body is NOT flexible and the heat makes it even worse. After being extremely tight and sweaty after an hour, I had to leave because I had to do some work. So no, I didn't make the whole first class but I was determined to get a bang for my buck!

I go back for my second class, not the next day but two afternoons later. I went for the afternoon class so that I would have time to do the whole 90 mins. All I have to say about that is geezus christ. 90 minutes in the heat with constant movement is a lot of work. Can this really be good for you? Surprising enough, I didn't really feel that great after these classes. I felt sore and tight, but I don't normally feel that bad. It can't possibly be healthy to sit in a stuff class dripping sweat and tricking your muscles into thinking that they are warmed up.

I went for a third class to see if it was just me or this hot yoga really blows. I was really determined to like the yoga to reap the positive benefits of it. No dice, I felt even more uncomfortable and tight the more time I spent in that yucky hot room.

Lessons learned:
1) Hot Yoga is bogus and uncomfortable and you have to wash a lot of clothes.
2) I think yoga is a great way to stretch and I will start going to regular yoga more often
3) Bikram is really cleaning up on you suckus....
4) Maybe I will sit in the sauna every once in a while to get that same hot effect

So, in conclusion, I'm not a big hot yoga believer but I definitely need too stretch and become more flexible. I have taken a break from my kamikaze working out and it's now time to get back on track. Anyone wanna make a fitness bet? I love a good challenge.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Have you ever felt like a chicken with your head cut off?

The past few weeks have been crazy. Little rest and lots of go, go, go! I now have 4 tennis students and will possibly have 5 by week's end. I have to say that it is really fun going back to the basics and teaching; however it reminds me that I have to do all those things that I tell them to do also.

Along with that, work is going well, extremely busy. Sometimes I can't get my head on straight in the morning. At one point lazy mornings were ok for me, but not anymore. I guess I prefer it that way though. Now, i'm jumping from one meeting to the next all day and when I sit down around 6 pm, I'm half asleep on the couch. That said, we are also moving in the next couple of weeks up to Sherman Oaks. The new apartment is cute and I'm pretty excited to move there. There is lots of space so it's perfect for my love of dinner parties. However, I'm pretty sure that we are going to have to have a no-shoe policy...WOW! I haven't had one of those in years.

Anyway, I'm finding new ways of getting organized. I have decided to actually ditch the Franklin Covey zip up day planner and go with the Border's weekly planners....well, maybe, that's still out for decision; perhaps I just need the next size up. I used to be VERY organized and with all the running around, I have accumulated way to many notebooks and need to downsize. I think it's about time to purge files as well. I HATE this crap. Oh, did I mention I'm meeting with a tax guy on Friday to organize all that too?

I also need to be waking up at 5 am for my morning workout, but that has only happened once this week, which I suppose is a huge feit. With the weather getting a little more 'crisp' outside the bed is looking better than ever, which reminds me I have to look for a refridgerator.

WOW my head is just all over the place, wish me luck for the next few weeks. I'm gonna need to get organized and keep it together.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Isn't apartment hunting hard enough?

Okay, I had to post this, because I am utterly annoyed. Shopping for apartments is my specialty. I have moved probably around 8 times in the past 6 years. Why? Well I'm not sure why, so let's leave that out of it. Nevertheless, apartment shopping is a long and grueling process that I don't necessarily enjoy. Howeverrrrrrrr, at the end of it all, there is a new place to look forward to, decorate and invite people over to.

I am apartment hunting with a friend and she comes by a deal.
Ronjini: " You know a lot of times when it looks too good to be true, it usually is!" Now I am generally an optimistic person, but I have found this to be true in many various cases, but ESPECIALLY while apartment hunting. In honor of optimism though, I decided that I would email the person and check it out, get some additional photos, all that crap you do when you're hunting.

This email came, at 2:22 a.m. Who writes back about an apartment at 2:22 am? That's A. and #2 he claims that he is in Lagos,West Africa and moved there with his wife and 12 year old daughter. My scam radar is on high alert and beeping like crazy right? and then the nail that hit the head in the coffin....

"A good Tenant that have the fear of God." <-- really? That's it!!!! SCAM

But why? Why do I not only have to go through this when I'm looking for jobs, furniture, and just random emails; but do you really have to make my apartment hunting experience more difficult too? for $2400?

Anyway! In case you are looking for an apartment, please be careful of those that say they live out of town (some actually do though), and deals that seem too good to be true (because they probably are).

Bah Humbug on apartment hunting!
Those Bastards!

Monday, September 28, 2009

even Creativity is subject to change!

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Today, Fast Company posted its:

“The Most Creative People In Business: Top 25” Slideshow | Fast Company

What does it mean to be creative? I think I'm creative, however, I noticed that I'm not quite on the maybe I'm not creative enough. Everyone on the list is a successful entrepreneur or the lead in a business unit of a large company, as it should be. So, hmmm... how do I get on the list? There are many things I'd like to accomplish in my lifetime and I think this list could just be one of them. I did not see one Indian female or a PR professional on this list of a pretty diverse range of people.

That kind of bothered me. Isn't PR as a profession supposed to be creative? Why do the writers or marketing people get all the props? Public relations has grown to be a delicate combination of writing, marketing and creativity...Oh and a lot of calling on the phones, but that's just tactics. I think the problem has become that many have come to recognize PR professionals as annoying, ineffective cold-callers. To be honest, I think that many of them have become just that. Many PR plans lack strategy and the ability to change at a moments notice. Instead of thinking on their feet and changing with the wind, they are caught up in corporate documents and contracts. If more PR people acted on passion and end-results, I think the creativity is more likely to emerge and maybe then PR folks would get recognized as creative professionals. Strategy can be creative.

In the past few months, I have spoken to entrepreneurs, individuals and companies that have all had bad experiences with their PR agencies. Their main complaint? Lack of results, too much red tape and rejection of ideas from the client. It seems that large agencies in creative industries have become complacent and lack the creative edge that many growing businesses for branding and awareness. I've always believed in working with a client rather than forcing ideas down their throat just because 'we said so'.

Therefore, henceforth, wherewithall, there to....all that crap; creative bloaks are doing business themselves to break free from the bondage of bad management and dull lives. I guess I can't really argue with them. To be creative in a creative industry, you really have to let go of all of those corproate processes and feel the flow. Thus it begins, my journey to a top 100 list. Mind you, this may take several years but I'm just putting it out there so everyone knows where I'm heading ;). Take a brief look at the thumbnails on the list if you can't read all of them, it's pretty interesting and gives you a brief moment of hope that anything is possible.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Neglect is an awful thing.

Neglect (definition from Wikipedia) - to leave uncared for or to leave undone.

While I pursue every other thing in the book, I've unfortunately neglected my beloved blog. This is how it starts, you start neglecting and then you forget alltogether. Kind of like how I generally start neglecting that I'm on a diet and then BAM! I'm ten pounds heavier in two weeks. Ahhh, the things we choose to remember. Actually, this blog is not just about self-neglect but also my rant about neglect of your social responsibility in the community.

Think about how much time you spend thinking about your personal and professional goals, how much time you spend achieving them and then how much time you spend just screwin' around and not doing very much for anyone (including yourself).

I have been working with United Way (on a professional level) on some of their initiatives to fight homelessness and discovered some heinous truths about homelessness. It costs taxpayers MORE money to keep a homeless man on the street that to help them into a stable living situation!!! Now...when someone starts talking about saving my taxpayer dollars I listen, because they are always trying to milk us for what we're worth. The truth is that homelessness is a huge problem and Los Angeles is ranked #2, there are more than 73,000 people living in homelessness in the Los Angeles County. Can you believe that? All of this makes me very sad, but what can we do as individuals?

It is scary to approach that guy who's screaming out profanities on the corner and ask him "hey do you want some help?", it's likely that he'll follow you home, screaming at you and then stand in front of your building every day waiting for you to come out. You dont' want that.
That's not necessarily the answer anyway.

My suggestion would be to contact local organizations like
LAMP or United Way that specialize in focusing on the homeless issue and find out ways that you can support and help them (I'm talking other than giving up the $$$). Often times, they organize ways (groups and events) to reach out and help the homeless. You can also go to your public library to help out, which is what I did.

I am thinking of also volunteering with United Way, but because my specialty was Journalism in college; I felt that adult literacy is an important issue and the Los Angeles Public Libraries offer free tutoring for anyone that is interested in improving their literacy level and living in the Los Angeles area. While these suggestions are just small pieces of a larger puzzle, it helps when we all do our part to help our community and show tolerance and understanding of others. It takes a while to figure out your place in the world and I feel that now that I have somewhat figured out a plan and my place here on earth, it would be nice to help others, who may not be able to figure out themselves. Face it! Most people don't care about being nice anymore.

I went to a networking event earlier this week, where the program coordinator talked about developing relationships and the time it takes. I think it's the American culture that forces us to want everything now, now, now! The problem is that many things take investment, time and care to develop into something truly profitable or worthwhile. He mentioned that you'll never receive anything worthwhile without giving.

Give, give, give and it is inevitable that you will receive in return. It may come in different forms; money, personal gratification, business leads, friendships, partners, anything really. I also think that being a nice person, you'll likely get screwed once or twice, but that comes with life. So get over it and move on! My new resolution of life is to have a nice balance of doing things for myself and my personal good and doing things to better the world (whether its local, national or at an International level).

If anyone knows how to become an ambassador please contact me! That is something I'd really like to pursue without going back to school for political science, joining the peace corps or becoming a famous celebrity. 'After all, what is it that we all want?......World Peace!'

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fed Up - Away with the Awards already!

After watching this year's MTV Music Awards, I decided that I am through with awards shows. I realize that MTV and the Grammy's are technically two very different things, but are they really? It seems like nothing really turns out the way people want it to, someone is always getting jipped and of course, hi-jinks are added so that the show is ruined for everyone. I think it's is rigged anyway.

I must say that this year's music awards was much more entertaining than I anticipated but the highlight for me was the very first 10 minutes during the Michael tribute with Janet. Which leads me to another question, where has the art of performance gone?

The generation after mine (Y or Z or whatever) has been raped of true performance art. Where I grew up with Michael, Madonna, Prince, New Kids, Janet, Dave Matthews, Pearl Jame, Rage Against the Machine, (the original) No Doubt, N'Sync and even Britney...who do current youngsters have to look up to and aspire to be? Solider boy? I mean c'mon. He shouldn't even really be singing/rapping some of the stuff that he says. The music industry has been congested with BAD but catchy lines, big egos of people who should retire and lack of recognition of true young talent.

What happened to the artists that could do it all? Sing, dance and play and instrument and really put on a show? Now you just have a group of people on stage either hobbling around with a mic pulling their pants up and wearing sunglasses in a dim lit audatorium or a bunch of head banging kids with one witty line in they entire rock song.

Has anyone listened to the lyrics of these songs? I mean really listen...Here let me give you a sample of a popular song today. These are the first-ish lyrics of the #1 song on the Billboard charts by the Black-Eyed Peas
I gotta feeling... (Woohoo)
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (Good lang)
Tonight's the night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let's kick it OFF
I know that we'll have a ball
If we get down
And go out And just lose it all I feel stressed out I wanna let it go Lets go way out spaced out And loosing all control
Fill up my cup
Mazel tov
Look at her dancing
Just take it... OFF
Lets paint the town
We'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again
Lets do it (x4)And do it (2x)Let's live it upAnd do it (3x)Do it, do itLets do it(3x)Cause I gotta feeling... (WoooHooo)That tonight's gonna be a good nightThat tonight's gonna be a good nightThat tonight's gonna be a good good night
Forgive me if I don't really see much sense in any of those lyrics, no wonder America is in a recession following directions like that.
So aside from the bad music the performances are getting even worse. I guess it goes without saying that Michael really knew how to entertain and put on a show, but does that mean that the next generation won't get that experience at all? Instead of waiting by the TV to watch the next MTV video premier or crying dry to get tickets to a concert/show, they are watching a group of guys flail about on stage, posse style with pants that are around their ankles and the other half are cutting off circulation to their upper halves with skinny jeans. Girls are in leotards and no one is putting together classic routines anymore. It's a lot of screaming and repetition.
The more I think about it and see shows like the recent MTV music awards the more I feel that our next generation is being robbed of good entertainment and may fail to understand the enlightened view of entertainment that us 70's and 80's babies had.

When I finally have kids they are going to get a solid dose of what REAL entertainment is like. I guess its off to watching broadway shows, live music and checking out Carnival when I can.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Transformation begins...

I have been on a voyage to transform myself into a better athelete. Life just seems to get in the way, or is it my dedication to procrastination that really nails the head on the coffin? Ohhh, life's wonders. Nevertheless, I have decided that I need to retain some type of focus in these times of need and depression.

I have been playing tennis since I was about 13; which is actually late for a player who wants to be competitive. These days kids (specifically kids like Jan Silva) are picking up the racket between ages 2 dn 5, crazy but affective.

Anyway, I played in high school and college, but don't feel that I ever got that extra push I needed to really excel the way I think I could have. Physically, I pretty much have always had an athelete's body, not petite, not huge, but strong and with tons of stamina.

So, now that I am freelancing and working from home, I figured this is the perfect time to turn my own attention on myself and accomplish some of those things in life that I would like to carry with me until the end. I would like to improve myself to the next level of tennis and am getting there slowly. Not only that, but I would love to lose some weight and this is a perfect way to do both.
I've been hitting everyday for the past couple of weeks, so first I need to learn how to take breaks and secondly I need to get some players that are way above my level to push me into stardom..I mean greatness! :)
Watch as I progress into downtown LA's greatest tennis joy! Until then I will be doing the workouts of the pro's and ...wait for it... nixing the alcohol from my system. Real atheletes don't drink. That doesn't mean that I can't serve or recommend however!

Check back soon for progress.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Transformation

I suck at updating my blog, but I guess that's no big deal. Lately, I have been so busy launching my networking group and keeping up with other social media, that my personal affects have suffered. But this isn't about that, it's about the transformation that you are about to encounter as readers of this blog. I would say about two weeks ago, I made the decision to reform my tennis skills and reach the next level of my game.

I am determined to become a 5.0 player and active in the USTA community, with that means practice and LOTS of training. I got back into my athletic training just this week, starting off at the stairs, swimming and playing a lot of tennis. What I realize however, is that I really need to work on my serve.

So for the next week, I think self-practice sessions at the court are going to be involved. It would help if I had a sponsor or something like that, but who knows what can happen. In the meantime, I am dedicating the next month to myself to really clear my priorities and focus my goals. A few of which are tennis, studying for the GMAT (again!!!), expanding my networking group (which I have done a lot of this past week) and working on business.

Oh I need to read and meditate too. I only have one question, how will I control my need to shop. The cutest boutique EM & Co. is having a summer sale on designer clothes, but I need to stay awayyyyy...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Single or Married life?

I've been pondering the married/single life question for the past few weeks and am still to come to a real decision about what I want to do. Although I have always wanted to be married, have kids and a family I think that I may be too emotional for that kind of commitment.

Its not that I can't commit, but I've come to rely on myself. I feel like any disaapointments that come in a relationship are easier to deal with when you're unmarried. If you're married everything becomes more critical because you are legally bound to that person. I'm not saying that I wouldn't be in a committed relationship or even have children with a 'boyfriend' or 'partner', but if we weren't married, would things be less complicated? I don't want to end up divorced and bitter.

As a female, I'm less likely to have baby papa drama and I'm not even saying I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with the father of my children, but why should I legally bind myself to anyone. I have no problems with a common law marriage. The most relieving part is that if we WERE to separate, then it wouldn't be this great legal ordeal. Then again, maybe THAT is the true adventure/commitment of marriage, seeing if you can put up with someone for the rest of your life no matter what (damn! that sounds like jail, no wonder men have issues). I'm not saying this just for myself, I'm saying it for the other person too, my emotions may go nuts when I'm going through menopause, he doesn't have to put up with it.

Having the thought that there may be years of unhappiness in a marriage, but you stay together because you're married, doesn't really appeal to me. I understand that because you're in a deep friendship that you stick together, but what if it is unhealthy. I'm not keen on divorce, so I feel that the staying single may be an option that is viable. THAT and the fact that I have always taken care of myself and have no qualms about continuing to do so. I have yet to discover a person that I can rely on more than myself and highly doubt that I will ever find someone like that. Its a curious thought and a curious predicament. I guess only time will tell, but since I am so emotional, I'm sure that I will dive right in.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Some new favorite things!

Chocolate covered honeycomb

The Pantry

Lambic Frambiose

Sally Hansen Salon Nail Polish

Kerastase hair products

There's always a new beginning

Sometimes I'm not sure what is going on. Minutes, hours and days go by and my brain continuously compiles all types of information that doesn't quite know where to go. Today, I'm irritable and I noticed that the people around me are just as confused as I am.
What I realize is that I know myself better. I know what I'm capable of and I am much smarter than the average bear. I was walking by the mall today and these Scientology folks were giving a stress test. What I want to know is what the hell are they going to do once they test it?
What is it that they want to tell me about my stress? That Ron L. Hubbard has the answer for me? I think not. How can someone that doesn't know me tell me how to release my stress?
I try to keep schedules, lists and stay organized, but life is just not organized. I'll continue to do the best I can, which is pretty damn good, but I am getting quite tired of all this stress, waking up super early in the morning and physically wearing myself out by exercising to reduce stress.
Everyday though, I seem to learn a little more about myself and what I can withstand and my potential. sigh. Well keep your head up and onward march. Early to rise and early to win!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A day at the Hostel...

So...I decided I needed a part-time job and coincidentally the boutique hostel/hotel next door was hiring for front desk agents. Perfect! Some mindless easy front-desking around my already flexible schedule. Frankly, working from home tends to mean that you're home alot. I wake up with plans to go work outside somewhere or at a coffee shop or cafe, but once I get online its over and then before I know it half the day is over. In an attempt to redeem some social interaction in my life, outside of the people in PE building, I joined the hostel boutique next door. I thought it would be interesting and so far its been interesting and full of foreigners, a lot more than I expected in Downtown LA.

Ok so I started working in this boutique hostel place which is really more like a hotel, but I never imagined all the different kinds of people that walk in. Its really quite interesting. I'm kind of perfect here because I live downtown and know where things are and can help some people. Unfortunately, Los Angeles...brace not tourist friendly. I realized that I don't know nearly enough about downtown, in addition, I'm starting to get over living here in the middle of the city. I think I'm ready to go back to the suburbs when I used to be able to see grass outside of the window, sigh.

For the time being though, I'm going to enjoy all these different people coming in and out and when I get sick of customer service again, I will retire. For now, Stay has deemed an interesting pasttime for me and will be paying for my mani/pedi and eyebrow threading this week.

See ya'll real soon!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The day Technology took over!

How do you make a readable interesting blog that isn't generic? I'm starting feel like the Internet is the bane of my exisitence here. I want so much to go back to traditional communicating methods, because they were simple, had etiquette and followed a set of social rules that could be followed. All this advancement in technology has just allowed everyone to become disconnected with each other and the important things in life.

I left home the other day to go workout and forgot my phone at home. For a second there I panicked and then realized, 'who cares?'. Am I really going to get a life and death phone call in the span of the three hours I will be away from the phone, can't I call people back? There was a time that we went home and checked our messages because we had been away all day. I like those days and miss them. People freak out when you say 'sorry I was available earlier, I left my phone at home". I think I'm gonna start doing that on purpose next time.

Although, I love the convenience and the 'cool' factor of technology, I feel like its starting to lose that 'lovin feelin' in my eyes. So if I don't answer my phone or take a few hours to email you back, just relax! I'll get to it eventually.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Love Lost!

I just gave up the love of my life. Never have I been around anything that is sooo much like me. In the morning all you can see is that he was happy to be alive, wears his heart on his sleeve, loves unconditionally and needed to 'go potty', very much like his momma. Granted this lil' pup has not much else to do with his life, but he reminded me that every morning is a great morning to give it everything you have.

Barkley, like myself, enjoyed the simple things in life; rolling in grass, cheese, I mean really how can it get much better than that. I knew it was going to be hard to give him back, but I didn't realize how hard. Every inch of me tells me to call his foster mom and tell her that I change my mind, but there's just too much on it. I wish I could ignore all the reasons that I can't have Barkley in my life, ten minutes of his cuddling and Eskimo kisses is worth it.

I guess this is just my declaration of love for my little pup Barkley. I don't know that I will be able to let go completely or if I will be able to ever have another that makes me as happy. The truth of the matter is he was the right pup for me at the wrong time. This couldn't feel worse inside. Barkley stole a piece of my heart that will always stay with him, even if he forgets about me and gets a new mom.

Bye, bye Barkley. I miss you already.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fan pages and FB

At first I must admit, I was trying to resist the Facebook evolution. I finally gave in when my company forced everyone to participate in social media. This is also the time when I first began my blog. I know...its all coming together now.

I have grown to find a new love and many uses for Facebook, the one that creeps me out the most is reuniting. My 10 year reunion is a month away and somehow all these people I haven't spoken to in 10 years are rising from the crypt. While a few of them, I do actually wonder about and am interested in finding out what's going on in their life, most of them...well...I could really care less. Its freaks me out when they add me and then most of the time they don't even say anything to me. I hate that. I hate just being a number on someones friend's list. It shouldn't bother me, its cyber space but if we're not friends I'm not the one to pretend about it.

The fan pages are getting a little out of hand, although one day I did become a fan of bacon (before the swine flu). I suppose that's a little nutz, but when friends suggest that you become a friend of 'sarcasm'???? What's that about? huh? My Twittering days have subsided a bit, but I feel that when I have a more socially intense client list then I will probably be back on Twitter as well.

Although computer technology has taken up a lot of jobs in the past ten years, I feel that it has more than exponentially provided opportunity for anyone who is willing to learn and adapt to the universe's changing social nature. Sometimes I hate cell phones, sometimes I love texts, most of the time I hate excel, but it also keeps me organized. What a strange world it is.

Last but not least. Despite of technology's wide reach in our lives, don't forget the little things like the California Sun (of which I am a fan on FB) and walking around outside. :)


Monday, May 11, 2009

Love at first site!

Yes, that's him, my new love. Its Barkley (named after Charles Barkley). He's 11 weeks old and he's a chihuahua mix. He is adorable and cute and I loved him as soon as I saw that little tail wagging. I brought him home and he was set, found his spot and knows what to do.

I'm a puppy/dog virgin and have never had a pet before, so this is a very new experience for me. What better day to bring him home though, than on Mother's day. I'm nervous and feel like this will change my carefree life, but really. I'm getting older and I don't really do that many carefree things. Puppy loves to sleep and loves to snuggle, just like me. Ha! What a great dog.

Well I'm sure I'll give you updates as he get older and gets into more and more michief. I thought that this would be an appropriate time to update my blog and give you a bit of good news from the dark side.

Talk to you soon. If anyone has puppy tips than they are more than welcome to give in put, thanks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hip-hop: Tryin' to make it or just playing 'the role'?

Sorry, I've been MIA, I've been out and about. I know, I know that's no excuse to neglect my three fans :). So last week, my good friend had his first solo performance at Blue Cafe in Long Beach. Let me start by saying it was interesting to say the least. I was pretty disappointed in the turnout but it was a small club in Long Beach on a Tuesday, so its unlikely that unless you know a performer that you're gonna show up. Sucky I know.

So I took some pictures, I figured I can make this like a quick picture diary to outline my experience at the show.

1) Phebian - OK I'm sad I don't have a pic of this girl, but I didn't realize I had the camera until later. WHAT THE HELL was going on here? This woman was a hot mess. Not only did her voice make me want to take shots, but her outfit made me want to buy her some new clothes. Her shirt wasn't so bad, a sheer animal print shirt, but she was wearing cut off shorts. Why are you wearing cut off shorts? Her dress code was not reminiscent of her singing style which is supposedly Rock/Electro/Neo-Soul, at least that's what she says. What it was, was a off-key crow singing on top of her song and not matchin' up the timing, walking around the stage like she wanted to be America's Next Top Model. I think she has the potential to maybe be good, but she needs direction and FAST, not to mention her lyrics were kind of like the poems that little girls write when they have young crushes at the age of 10. So many mixed messages with this performance, not to mention that there was no-one there for her, except one dude; who I suppose is either her boyfriend or someone who wants to get in her short shorts. Clean up your act the words of MTV...NEXT!

2) EazyBukks - Unfortunately his Myspace has been cancelled so I can't show you what he's all about, but I do have pics of this dude. Lyrics were that of a wannabe thug. The beats weren't that bad and eventually he had three guys on stage that was somewhat entertaining. I mean I wouldn't sign him but I wasn't running for the hills exactly. I mean I only needed to drink a cocktail to digest this, not shots.

3) Ego Tripp - First I think his name is stupid and while I can't really dogg his performance all that much, it wasn't something to write home about. To be perfectly honest, I don't really remember it all that much. I wasn't drinking so its not that, it just didn't stick out. I never heard myself saying damn he's good or the beats are tight. Everything was just mediocre. I mean did any of these people come here to put on a good show? DAMN!

Now for the main event!
Ok its the main event for me anyway. I came to support my long-time friend Proverb. I have heard him rap for years and can see his potential, but I can't lie when I say I don't know if it was a well-rounded performance. He didn't disappoint and he was by far the best of the night, but what does that say if everyone else isn't that good? Verb - if you're reading this: you're only as good as the company you keep and I know you know what I'm talking about. Its fine for a starter, but I expect to see bigger and better things from a man with your talent and potential.

4) Proverb - This was the most lively show by far. Almost everyone who was at the venue was there for this. A huge asset is having support, existing support tends to foster more support because other people find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in liking something new. The great thing about this performance is that he chose a variety of tracks to work from. While he started with a true hip-hop track, he mixed in a little comedy in there with 'sexy ladies, where your ugly girls at'. I think the crowd went through more than one emotion, showing that there was some depth in his performance. Being as unbiased as a can though, he needed a little something more. Proverb has a great presence, but you really have to put on a show to get people engaged. As many rap artists do, Verb brought a few of his 'homies' up on the stage to join him, however, they didn't add to the show. If ya'll are not gonna ad lib in the back and do nothing but sit there and bob to the music, you're not adding to my overall experience and that's just they way it is. Clearly, this wasn't the venue to pull out all the stops, but every performance should be a performance that counts!!!

5) Icky Green - Ok, so its hard to follow an act that gets the whole place rowdy and involved. Not to mention, this guy was from SD.

Sticky got on the stage with a drink in his hand very nonchalantly; after hearing the others I wasn't in positive mind. Then...Sticky begins...shit, he's pretty freakin' good. Its sad that he's from SD and doesn't really have any 'crew' with him, but he actually was a very good compliment to Proverb's show. Its too bad that everyone else made this place unbearable. I was surprised that I actually found myself enjoying this interesting dude named Sticky. He was also solo and went up on stage with a shirt and khakis like this was something he does when he gets out of bed in the morning, no pretense, just himself. He had his own unique way of performing. I would be interested to see him on stage with some acoustic instruments or something.

The final word...
One thing lacking in all the hip-hop performances was a hype man. Haven't ya'll learned from watching shows, watching a solo artist with nothing in the background in not a fun show. You need a DJ, hype man, band, dancers, whatever....I would say 1/2 the show is the performer and his/her skills and the other 1/2 is the performance...Put on a damn show, I want to smile, dance, laugh, bob my head!

Well I'll report from the next show I go to, but if all 'up and coming' artist shows are like this one, I understand why the music industry is not doing so great right about now. Yikes!

Monday, April 20, 2009

You'll never be bored in downtown LALA!

I've seen some strange things since I've moved back out here to LA in October. Today was strange, so I thought I would share some of these moments with you. Unforuntately, I don't have photos to show you exactly what I mean, but I can show you the locations.

1)Death in downtown; I think it was an overdose. The first week I was back, some homeless guy was dying on this corner of downtown LA. Freaked me out a bit.

2)The pirate guy. I love him, I must say. He is probably one of the most interesting homeless men I have met in Downtown LA and he is ALWAYS very nice and polite and goes about his own way.

3)Dead body outline near Coffee Bean. Early in the morning, I drove by and saw tons of cops at this location and a sticker outline of a man and a dead man being rolled into an ambulance, Yipes!

4)Slip and slide on the Sidewalk right in front of Hotel Cecil. Today I was driving back to my place from a day of apartment hunting and saw three little girls slip and sliding on the sidewalk. This is a rough block of main, where you can probably score some recreational drugs, or at least it seems that way. I realize that it was over 90 degrees today, but this is not a residential area, this is downtown, NUTZ!

5) This sign in Little Tokyo, which I STILL am having trouble interpreting. Please HELP

If you can't read it, it says; The Japanese Pollo Loco, \the chicken tastes like Lexus! Surprisingly enough, the Yelp reviews are pretty good for this place.

This place is crazy, but its never a dull moment!!! :)