Friday, January 28, 2011

Amos Lee - The Music Box

I had only heard the song 'Sweet Pea' before I was invited to The Music Box in Hollywood on January 27th to see Amos Lee perform. Apparently, that's not even one of his most popular songs. Regardless, I didn't really know him that well and didn't know what genre to put him in (apparently he is in the Folk Jazz genre).

I arrived at The Music Box about 9:00 p.m., at which point his opening acts were still on the scene. While I got my beverage and found my friends, I was interested to see what was in store for me.

The result: What a treat! Amos Lee is pretty terrific and although, some of his songs are a bit more folksy (actually sounded more like country) than I would like, the majority of his set held a lot of mixed genre sounds with soul, jazz, blues and country altogether.

His voice sounds delicious live and he is a very dynamic vocal performer. He also had a trumpet come up there, some snazzy electric table guitar and talented backup singers. This song was on my favorites list from last night.

Of course the show was great, thanks to @James'jimmylin'Lin, since it was free ninety nine; however, if I was asked again, I would not mind paying for the tickets. I'm not sure what kind of perspective that puts that into.

I just wish that they had seats at The Music Box, it actually reminded me very much of The Fillmore in SF. Michael Kors makes very cute boots, but that doesn't mean that I want to stand in them for 14 hours of the day. Seats please!

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