When I say Rocky Road, I definitely don't mean Ice Cream. Just when I thought that my training was getting to that elite level, where I am truly preparing myself for excellence I have to take a break to go to Arizona; where I get phenomenal allergies. Upon my return....dun dun dunnnnnn...Food Poisoning! Can you believe it ?!?! I mean really, what is that?
Anyway, today is my first day of full recovery from that beast they call food poisoning, the most sucky part is that it was from Yardhouse, which I LOVE! bah humbug!
Anyway, I go to check the draw today and to my surprise, I WON!!!!
Ok, no I didn't win the wild card, but I won my first round; which now that I look back at it, several people did. At least they make you feel strong when you start right? Looks like I'll be playing Rochelle Perkins from Torrance, who most recently was defeated in a tournament as a 4.0. Not to be rude, but I'm gonna wipe the floor with her, so I must apologize in advance.
Dear Rochelle,
I'm sorry for my grunting, profanity, dirty looks and laughing for no reason every once in a while. I will try my best to keep this brief and swift for you. I promise that when you go home after our match, you will tell your friends: "DAMN! I really just got my butt kicked!"...And if this happens to be ridiculous after Monday's match...then.....just kidding and Nice match!
Send your positive butt-kicking thoughts my direction the next few days, I will have to pile them up and use at my discretion when needed! Here's to a ferocious weekend of tennis and competition.
Speaking of allergies. The best way to avoid them is by eating locally made honey from that region
ReplyDeleteReally? That's crazy! Good to know. I will look for honey wherever I go :).